Chad Pillai
5 min readApr 10, 2023

After reading the unbelievable message on her screen to Dr. Vidal, Katy sat silently contemplating the message’s significance for a few minutes. “We are not alone,” she repeated as she stared at the screen. After a few minutes, she realized she had to continue searching for further messages from deep space and help humanity prepare for the revelation.

Katy called her team into her office to discuss developing a plan for ESF to continue searching for more signals and calculate how much time there was before the originators of the message arrived. Dr. Clooney, Katy’s assistant, asked what ESF should focus on and if anything else needed to be done to confirm the findings.

“We must coordinate with NASA and the Pentagon to all our deep space telescopes and surveillance systems on mystery,” Katy said. “We know the message came from deep space due to the current position of the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft outside our solar system, but we don’t know where the message came from,” Katy elaborated.

As Katy and Dr. Clooney discussed their game plan, Dr. Vidal called from NASA headquarters. Dr. Vidal’s voice sounded excited on the phone. “Can you believe it?” he asked. “Honestly, no! Katy replied. “If ESF’s decryption is correct and the message is real, then this is proof that we are not alone,” Katy added. I must caution that Dr. Clooney and I still need to do more work to determine where the signal originated from,” Katy informed Dr. Vidal.

